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Weight Loss

Do you ever catch yourself thinking "how did I end up here?", or seeing your reflection and not recognising yourself?

The Metagenics Shake-It Program is a dietary and meal replacement program with safe, effective and proven results.

Elements such as providing sufficient protein to help you maintain lean muscle mass while losing fat, following an evidence-based low carbohydrate eating plan, and tailoring behavioural change strategies to suit your situation, are what set the

Shake It Program apart and lead to success in reaching your weight loss goals. The program includes a very specific eating plan, "allowable foods" list, recipe ideas, exercise recommendations to suit the individual, weekly accountability sessions, and access to order high quality practitioner-only Shake It Protein Powder. Depending on your level of health, the Shake-It Program is usually preceded by the 4 Week Detox Program.





Make an appointment today to discuss this detailed and successful program and get your confidence back. 

Structure of Shake It Program

Initial 60 minute Full Health Consultation/ Goal Setting Appointment- $150/appt

Weekly 15 minute "Weigh-ins" until goal weight achieved- $30/appt

Let’s Work Together

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